Friday, December 29, 2017

Adib Al-Dayekh - L’amour Courtois

Adib Al-Dayekh

Adib Al-Dayekh (1938-2001) was one of the most proclaimed chanters from Aleppo, Syria.

Like many Arab chanters, Adib was born to a Qura'an reciter, Mohammad Al-Dayekh, who taught his son the rules of speech, memorizing and the seven Qura'an recitations according to the traditions of Syria and Egypt.

Mohammad discovered his son's sensational vocal abilities from an early age, so he directed Adib into learning ancient Arab and Sufi poems which he started chanting in small public gatherings and was considered a marvel in Aleppo when he was only 15 years old.

Adib kept memorizing more Arabic poems and expanded his perspective to Al-Umayyad and Abbasid periods.. and it was reported that he has memorized over 10,000 verses of poetry.

No description of Adib's amazing vocals can do justice to him, but he had a perfect vocal range of 3 octaves and the abilities to switch between high and low pitches effortlessly, which amazed his listeners wherever he performed.


Suite En Mode Bayyati
Suite En Mode Sikah
Suite En Mode Rast

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